Summer in Florida
If you have curly hair and like to keep your hair straigth but, living in a place where summer can be very hot and humid can be very challenge to accomplish it. A Formaldehyde free Keratin Treatment will be the best thing to help you fight humidity. These treatments can keep hair soft and totally fuzz-free, but they're not straighteners.It is suitable for all types of hair including colored and chemically-treated.My recomendation make sure your treatment don't have any formaldehyde or any derivatives.Make sure your stylist knows what they are using and avoiding any treatments that contain formaldehyde, methylene glycol, and other similar names such as formalin, methylene oxideparaform, formic aldehyde, methanal, oxomethane, oxymethylene, or CAS Number 50-00-0 in the ingredients.Use a keratin with ingridients the are not hamful to you like Hydrolyzed Collagen, L-Cysteine, and a blend of Amino Acids, Keratin Complex, and Jojoba Oil, Argan oil and much more. This non-toxic formula ensures that the health of the hair, the stylist, and the client is never compromise.
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